Monday, February 28, 2011

Change: It Starts with Me

    All of us want a change, a that is worthwhile for a lifetime. But there are many challanges and problems come to us but every problem has a solution.
    My dream is to be a computer programer. I want this profession because it is the noblest profession for me.I want this profession because this is a demand course. To be successful is to have a study habit,daily schedule,good health,"life program" of what you expect to be,above all,willingness to work hard.From childhood till old age,have worked,worked and work systematically.The formula to be successful:clean life equals successful living.For me this will be the cure of my problems.I believe that nothing is impossible to the man who can will.

   I'll do all my best to porsue my dreams for my future and I'll make a good change.

Monday, February 14, 2011


      Fiesta is like a tattoo in Filipino’s tradition that can not be removed in their own culture. Every municipality in the country, Philippines has a so called fiesta pertaining the feast of the patron or patroness of their town.
As the 25th day of January comes, different preparations are done at the Heritage City of Vigan. And it’s because it is the day of their festivity which is called the Longganisa Festival. Longganisa is a native delicacy in Vigan and as their number one product; they are praising their patron which is St. Paul and thank him or that good product to raise money.
     During that day, I had to wake up early because we watched the grand parade. And I enjoyed watching it. After which, my friends and I went to Jollibee for our own refreshments. After eating wen went home.
     That’s my experience last January 25 and I treasure and consider it as a good memory to cherish and keep. Even though I didn’t enjoyed the festivity, I enjoyed having with my friends.